Half Man Half Biscuit Half Hearted
Half Man Half Biscuit Half Hearted
Ah yes. Why spend time typing up the lyrics to Half Man Half Biscuit songs? Because they are gems like no other. We celebrate British bands and artists for seminal musical works (think Bowie or Elvis Costello) and, unless you happen to know the late John Peel's inside leg measurement or you were enlightened as a student, the majesty, wit and sheer intelligence of the HMHB opus is ignored. Shame, shame, shame.
Over the years a number of web sites have recorded some lyrics and a multitude of research notes for the songs [see the excellent www.hmhb.co.uk]. The latter are invaluable to understanding the wide ranging and often obscure historical references. The former are a mixed bag, with only a few songs listed.
So what started out as a full hearted attempt by me to record the lyrics so my sister could understand the songs has developed into a blog post and a project to educate the half-hearted masses and to provide a definitive song list with lyrics.
They'll be other crap on here too such as my own songs "Progressive Dads", "People called Wilson", "Blog-proof iPod", "Armchair Expert" and "Holistically Challenged"- I need to finish writing them first :)
"...Baby I'm from the Wirral Peninsula.Monkey Man, June 2007
A merciless despot with nothing to lose"
Please note that all lyrics are mostly my interpretation and are presented here to assist you in understanding the songs. They are the copyright of others.
You should also pay a visit to www.chrisrand.com/hmhb/ for HMHB lyrics - a superb site with a superb range of listings
Monday, 6 January 2014
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Is it really 2011?
Just think: if the Mayans got it all correct then there's little over a year left before the great December 2012 cataclsym they predicted. In that case it may not be worth adding any more lyrics.
But that's a defeatist attitude really so instead I'll comprimise. If we all survive the cosmic fireball/armageddon/judgement day/ or indeed just a plain old normal work day that day then I'll start adding more lyrics.
But please excuse any likely delay in the event of me being forced to blog from a post-apocalyptic hovel.
And to dispel any lingering doubts: no, I don't seriously believe there will be a cataclsym. I've finally been given a table booking at a posh restaurant the day after and I'm not missing that for the World (if it still exists).
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Half Hearted
However, I'm mostly getting spam traffic nowadays, offering me links to Russian sites so perhaps I no longer get visitors who have a pulse.