Half Man Half Biscuit Half Hearted
Half Man Half Biscuit Half Hearted
Ah yes. Why spend time typing up the lyrics to Half Man Half Biscuit songs? Because they are gems like no other. We celebrate British bands and artists for seminal musical works (think Bowie or Elvis Costello) and, unless you happen to know the late John Peel's inside leg measurement or you were enlightened as a student, the majesty, wit and sheer intelligence of the HMHB opus is ignored. Shame, shame, shame.
Over the years a number of web sites have recorded some lyrics and a multitude of research notes for the songs [see the excellent www.hmhb.co.uk]. The latter are invaluable to understanding the wide ranging and often obscure historical references. The former are a mixed bag, with only a few songs listed.
So what started out as a full hearted attempt by me to record the lyrics so my sister could understand the songs has developed into a blog post and a project to educate the half-hearted masses and to provide a definitive song list with lyrics.
They'll be other crap on here too such as my own songs "Progressive Dads", "People called Wilson", "Blog-proof iPod", "Armchair Expert" and "Holistically Challenged"- I need to finish writing them first :)
"...Baby I'm from the Wirral Peninsula.Monkey Man, June 2007
A merciless despot with nothing to lose"
Please note that all lyrics are mostly my interpretation and are presented here to assist you in understanding the songs. They are the copyright of others.
You should also pay a visit to www.chrisrand.com/hmhb/ for HMHB lyrics - a superb site with a superb range of listings
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
It Makes the Room Look Bigger [Saucy Haulage Ballads]
It was very irritating
And I know they're going to come around tonight
And I know they're going to say to me tonight
It makes the room look bigger
It makes the room look bigger
So let's forget about the open top bus ride
Standing tall on the Town Hall balcony
It's about as likely as hen's teeth
It's about as likely as hen's teeth
And as the light gets dimmer
I watch the chance get slimmer
But I'm putting up a hook to hang my hopes upon
There's a fella coming round to put the gas back on
And if truth be told now that Thelma's gone
It makes the room look bigger
I'm drawn towards the souvenir stalls
I twirl around the keep fob rack
But it's alright for Nicholas and for Neal
Yeah but how do you think that makes me feel
And all the while I can see I'm on the CCTV
Elderly lady at the bus stop thinks I'm going to eat
So to reassure her I ask her for the time
And her sense of relief at my friendly tone
Reveals itself in her karmic moan
You can wait twenty minutes and nothing comes along
Then all of a sudden three thugs rob your pension
Oh there's generally one at twenty five past
There's generally one at twenty five past
They come swinging round that corner
They think they're Benny Goodman
But I'm putting up a hook to hang my hopes upon
There's a fella coming round to put the gas back on
And if truth be told now that Thelma's gone
It makes the room look bigger
Oh tip-toe to the front row of the Korn Show
With a sub-machine gun
Now for notes taken from www.hmhb.co.uk
Benny Goodman Chicago-born jazz clarinetist (and occasional sax) and bandleader. He earned the soubriquet "King of Swing" hence the similarity between him and the buses. Legend has it that when Goodman died in 1986, his obituary on the ITN news was accompanied by a caption featuring an elderly grey bearded white man in a military uniform. When quizzed as to why this had happened, the guy in the stills library replied "I thought you said 'King of Sweden'"...
Tiptoe Through The Tulips was a hit for Tiny Tim in 1968.
Monkey Man adds:
Korn show Californian rockers Korn. Eerily tragic, three years after this EP Single (in August 2006 to be exact) a man was killed at a Korn Show in Atlanta when he asked crowd members not to bump into his pregnant wife and mentally ill child. He was punched and kicked by two men. Hospitalised his life support machine was turned off a couple of days later.
It should read "key fob", not "keep-up", as in the racks of key rings with people's names on. They must have run out of Nigel ones.
Cheers Keith, that makes perfect sense now.
Monkey Man
Isn't it "Truth be told, now that Thelma's gone" ? Could easily be wrong of course?
I'm not sure Martin. The fact that someone was "voming round to turn the gas back on" makes me think of plumbers.
After multiple replays I'm going with Thelma!
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